🚨 All February events nearly sold-out! 👀

FH x Gooey Candle Painting, Cinnamon Buns + Connection, 11th/18th/19th of Feb, 7-9pm, Manchester

Sold out

🚨 11th, 18th and 19th SOLD-OUT in 24hours!
Next event is Live Music + Board Games on the 6th of March! 🚨

Join us for our second Manchester event - a wholesome night to remember with Gooey, painting candles and eating cinnamon buns while making new friends and meeting new people. It's going to be such a wholesome evening filled with film cameras, good tunes and new friends!

Don't worry most people come by themselves looking to make friends. And they are all SO nice! :)

Spaces are limited so don't miss out!

What You'll Do:
- Make New friends (the fun part)
- Paint Candles
- Eat Cinnamon Buns
- Leave feeling loved

Location 11th of February
Gooey, 103 High St, Manchester M4 1HQ, United Kingdom

Location 18th and 19th of February
TBC - (will be emailed before event)

Time: 7-9pm Tuesday 11th of February 2024/Tuesday 18th of February 7-9pm/Wednesday 19th of February 7-9pm

This event is non-refundable, I really hope you can come!

Accessibility: this event is wheelchair accessible.